What Strava Segments Taught Me About Striving

What Strava Segments Taught Me About Striving

Cyclists often complain about Strava’s downsides even as they are unable to resist its addictive appeal. The constant feedback of performance data and social comparison encourages users to constantly strive harder without taking pleasure in the more enjoyable parts of the sport.

What is the Meaning of Life?

What is the Meaning of Life?

For most of human history, meaning was not made by individuals but imposed by authorities. What is the meaning of life? Who knows. A more practical question is: How can we have more meaningful moments in life?

Work is Hard

Work is Hard

Unlike previous generations, we no longer look at work simply as a source of income. We want our work to expand our sense of identity, meaning, and purpose. And yet, once we graduate with our diplomas and idealism, Capitalism seems to force us to choose between money and meaning, between a decent return and higher goals.