Too Much Information – Week Ending May 6

What follows is a hyperlinked version of the weekly newsletter of the Information Program of Open Society Foundations. Next week Becky Hogge will take up the newsletter one again. You can continue to follow new editions at her blog. News Turkey’s 138 Forbidden...
The Expansion of Ignorance is Inevitable

The Expansion of Ignorance is Inevitable

In The Omnivore’s Dilema Michael Pollan reminds us that food is an inelastic good, which is to say that, obesity aside, there is a limit to how many calories a person can consume in a single day. Any more and we would explode. Once we all reach that caloric...

Attention and Empathy

I’m in Houston International Airport, one of my least favorites, waiting for my delayed flight to Las Vegas, probably my least favorite city in the entire world. I left Buenos Aires filled with sweet sadness. There is so much that I’ll miss. Here in...

Atención y Empatía

Estoy en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Houston, uno de mis menos favoritos, esperando mi vuelo a Las Vegas, probablemente la ciudad que menos me gusta en todo la planeta. Me fui de Buenos Aires lleno de una dulce tristeza. Hay tanto que echaré de menos....

A Gustito Con La Vida

It’s Sunday morning … and true to the name, the sunlight, roughly eight minutes after leaving its home, is blasting furiously outside. So is the wind. And my honey and I are taking refuge from both in the cool shade of our upstairs bedroom. What are we...