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Voces Bolivianas Featured on BBC's The World

Voces Bolivianas, one of the first five recipients of a Rising Voices citizen media outreach award, was featured yesterday on the BBC program, The World. In the four minute feature Ruxandra Guidi interviews project facilitator Mario Duran and Voces Bolivianas participant and Aymara translator, Dora Romero.

Congratulations Voces Bolivianas for the much-deserved recognition! You can read frequent English translations from Voces Bolivianas participants here.

And if you’re in the Miami area, make sure to register for We Media Miami, where I’ll be moderating a panel with Eduardo Ávila and Cristina Quisbert of Voces Bolivianas. We’ll also be joined by Leonardo Ferreira, author of Centuries of Silence, Luis Ramiro Beltran, the foremost expert in communication for development, and documentary filmmaker Sanjeev Chaterjee.


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