On America Having No Culture

On America Having No Culture

Back in 2005 – when this blog was still a wee pup – I made a mistake common to young American liberals that have recently set out to explore the rest of the world: I claimed that America has no culture. I distinctly remember comments from Derek and Erick...

A Delicious Proposal For An Annotated Web

How a takeover of Delicious by Twitter could prepare the web for the 21st century. What can I say, I’m tired of big-ass internet corporations taking over my favorite internet platforms and hanging them on the clothesline only to let them die. I am equally...

Cafe Complaints and Dissident Urban Planning

I’m just back from my favorite neighborhood cafe, where poets, artists, and whining leftists all come together for that special feeling of community. All along the back wall are stacks of La Jornada and posters supporting El Peje. At the bar sipping on...