[Grant] Mexican Institute for Competitiveness

[Grant] Mexican Institute for Competitiveness

This blog post is a summary of a $900,000 grant from Omidyar Network to the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) for general operating support over three years, with a special focus on the development of their Compara Tu Escuela platform. This information is...
A Critique and Defense of Civic Participation

A Critique and Defense of Civic Participation

Last week I was at the Digital Cities conference in Buenos Aires, a convening of civil servants in charge of city open data programs and the technologists and NGOs that use the data. One after another government representative claimed that the ultimate goal of their...
Two Maps and 21st Century Exploration

Two Maps and 21st Century Exploration

The following text was written for an art installation at the new Skylink Terminal of Vienna Airport. The title of the installation, Zeitraum, is a German portmanteau combining zeit (time) and raum (place), and roughly translates to “period of time.”...
Niños Incomodos and Video for Advocacy in Mexico

Niños Incomodos and Video for Advocacy in Mexico

Last month I caught an interesting tweet from Alejandro Ramírez, the CEO of the 4th largest cinema chain in the entire world: Ramírez was celebrating the fact that De Panzazo, an excellent documentary about the state of the country’s education system, was seen...