The State of Online Subtitling

The State of Online Subtitling

In a recent post, “Indigenous Protests, Wikileaks and Online Subtitles” I focused on the social and historical importance of adding subtitles to online video, especially as it relates to those who promote human rights and inclusive rural development. Most...

Mexico’s SB-1070

The following is my translation of Alberto Escorcia’s post, “Ley General de Población, una SB-1070 a la mexicana”, which was originally published on Pateando Piedras under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share alike license. Photographs are by Don...
The Expansion of Ignorance is Inevitable

The Expansion of Ignorance is Inevitable

In The Omnivore’s Dilema Michael Pollan reminds us that food is an inelastic good, which is to say that, obesity aside, there is a limit to how many calories a person can consume in a single day. Any more and we would explode. Once we all reach that caloric...