by David Sasaki | Aug 1, 2010 | English, Translations
The following is my translation of Alberto Escorcia’s post, “Ley General de Población, una SB-1070 a la mexicana”, which was originally published on Pateando Piedras under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share alike license. Photographs are by Don...
by David Sasaki | Aug 24, 2009 | English, Translations
The following is my translation of Paula Gonzalo’s interview with Juan Arellano about the Lingua Project on Global Voices. Links have been changed to their English-language equivalents when possible. Juan Arellano is one of the bloggers who, beginning in 2007,...
by David Sasaki | Jul 4, 2008 | English, Translations
Before I attempt my own thoughts and reflections about this year’s Global Voices Summit in Budapest, let me first start by translating a beautiful article by the dauntingly prolific Rosa Jiménez Cano, a great journalist, but even a better blogger. Listen...
by David Sasaki | May 11, 2008 | English, Translations
My faithful fellow anglophones, as you may have noticed, the last two entries around here were written in Spanish. Sorry about that. But then, change is the spice of life, is it not? I’m contemplating the idea of publishing all future blog posts in both English...