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A Delicious Proposal For An Annotated Web
How a takeover of Delicious by Twitter could prepare the web for the 21st century. What can I say, I'm tired of big-ass internet corporations taking over my favorite internet platforms and hanging them on the clothesline only to let them die. I am equally frustrated...
Cafe Complaints and Dissident Urban Planning
I'm just back from my favorite neighborhood cafe, where poets, artists, and whining leftists all come together for that special feeling of community. All along the back wall are stacks of La Jornada and posters supporting El Peje. At the bar sipping on diesel-strength...
Mapping My Megacity
Heat map based on time travel to major cities. To this day I stare out the window like a wide-eyed child, amazed by what seems to be equal parts chaos and order. I have practically memorized the 50-minute flight path from Guadalajara to Mexico City. Upon descent into...
Cuba is a metaphor, not a country
Cafe La Habana, where according to legend, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and a group of Cuban exiles planned the Cuban Revolution to take down the Batista Dictatorship. It was also a favorite hangout of exiled Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño. Over an Ethiopian dinner with...
Michel Foucalt on #cablegate
It seems to me that the real political task in a society such as ours is to criticize the workings of institutions that appear to be both neutral and independent, to criticize and attack them in such a manner that the political violence, which is always exercised...
Como Mejorar el Acceso al Acceso de Información Pública
El jueves pasado participé en un encuentro de periodistas y programadores organizado por Gabriel Sama que se llevó a cabo en Telmex Hub, un centro con entrada gratuita donde la gente pueden usar laptops prestados y una conexión de internet abierta. Cada semana hay...
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