Creative Industries Styria 2010

Creative Industries Styria 2010

In 2010 I was invited to Graz, Austria to facilitate a workshop on “cloud creativity” for select participants of the Creative Industries Styria Convention. Photos of the workshop are on Flickr and an interview with me about creativity in the era of cloud computing is on YouTube.

Eurasian Stories 2009

Eurasian Stories 2009

In 2009, Bektour Iskender and I facilitated a workshop in Istanbul, Turkey to teach digital storytelling to Eurasian journalists and affiliates of Internews. Prior to the workshop, I published a short video interview with Bektour, Kyrgyzstan’s most influential blogger, and another video on Istanbul street food.

PopTech Innovation Fellows 2008

PopTech Innovation Fellows 2008

In 2008 I joined the faculty of the PopTech Innovation Fellows. Gideon D’Arcangelo and I gave a series of workshops on digital storytelling and mobile video production to the 2008 class of fellows.

HelpAge South Africa 2007

HelpAge South Africa 2007

In 2007 I traveled to Durban, South Africa to train a group of South African seniors how to blog and use social media. I published a video of the workshop and a list of the resulting blogs on Rising Voices.
Liberia Media Training 2008 – 09

Liberia Media Training 2008 – 09

In 2008 and 2009 I visited Liberia for a series of media training workshops with Liberian journalists. I published a post in 2008 reviewing the first blogging workshop and in 2009 I made a video of interviews with Liberian photojournalists. The experience opened my eyes to the difficulties of media development in post-conflict countries with few resources for journalists and media organizations.