In 2010 I was invited to Graz, Austria to facilitate a workshop on “cloud creativity” for select participants of the Creative Industries Styria Convention. Photos of the workshop are on Flickr and an interview with me about creativity in the era of cloud computing is on YouTube. The conference also resulted in a publication co-authored by: Andreas Hirsch | Cory Doctorow | Derrick de Kerckhove | Tim Berners-Lee | Joichi Ito | Fernanda Romano | Howard Rheingold |Jimmy Wales | Oliviero Toscani | Steve Rogers | Tassilo Pellegrini | Sonja Bettel | David Linderman | Sarah Brody | André Lemos |Andrea Goetzke | Gerin Trautenberger | Armin Medosch | Patrick Dax | Eric Steuer | David Sasaki | Heinz Wittenbrink | Tina Midtgaard | José-Carlos Mariategui | Annalisa Pelizza.
Creative Industries Styria 2010
Media Training