by David Sasaki | Jul 2, 2009 | English
In The Omnivore’s Dilema Michael Pollan reminds us that food is an inelastic good, which is to say that, obesity aside, there is a limit to how many calories a person can consume in a single day. Any more and we would explode. Once we all reach that caloric...
by David Sasaki | May 21, 2009 | English, Music, Podcast (English)
Despite my love of the tropics, I’ve come to appreciate some of the wonders that come with distancing oneself from the equator. Seasons, for example, and their undeniable sway over a city’s mood. In the weeks leading up to my departure from the United...
by David Sasaki | May 12, 2008 | Español
Con los tantos viajes que hago y la dispersión de lugares de residencia de mi amigos, es bastante raro cuando todos podemos hacer lo que la mayoría de los grupos de amigos lo hacen al menos una vez al mes: relajarse viendo una película juntos. De...
by David Sasaki | May 12, 2008 | English
With my lifestyle and the dispersed locations of my friends, it is very rare when we can all do what most groups of friends do at least once a month: relax by watching the same movie together. In fact, this year I will only have two opportunities to do exactly that....
by David Sasaki | May 11, 2008 | English, Translations
My faithful fellow anglophones, as you may have noticed, the last two entries around here were written in Spanish. Sorry about that. But then, change is the spice of life, is it not? I’m contemplating the idea of publishing all future blog posts in both English...
by David Sasaki | May 6, 2008 | Español
La semana pasada leí dos textos que, por contradictorios que parezcan, son igualmente ciertos. El primero es un pequeño “tweet” de seis palabras, escrito por Romina Oliverio, una argentina-canadiense que pronto se encontrará en Perú y luego en los Países...
by David Sasaki | May 6, 2008 | English
Last week I read two contradictory texts that each struck me as equally true. The first, in the form of a six-word “tweet” came from Romina Oliverio, an Argentine-Canadian who I believe is currently in Peru. She said: My roots are people, not places. Of...