by David Sasaki | Jan 14, 2023 | English, Gates Foundation, Philanthropy
Why are children are still dying of hunger in Turkana when Kenya’s GDP per capita has quadrupled over the last twenty years and new SUVs search for parking in Nairobi‘s many shopping malls?
by David Sasaki | Jan 26, 2008 | English, Podcast (English)
How did this all happen? How was it that just a few months ago I was sitting in a swanky Nairobi bar with Daudi Were, chatting about the good life, and brainstorming ideas for an African Bloggers Conference. And now … this? That photograph was taken in Nakuru...
by David Sasaki | Jan 10, 2008 | English
I’ve never been one for online video for the same reason I’ve never really been one for traditional TV: no matter how many times I click the mouse or click the remote control, nothing of interest is ever on. Sure, there were/are some exceptions. I try to...